Celebrating World Pasta Day!

Celebrating All Things Pasta!🍝
October is home to not one, but TWO pasta celebration days, with National Pasta Day earlier this month and World Pasta Day on the 25th!
To get in the spirit, we’re sharing some fun themed games below. Why not cook up your favourite pasta dish this week and test your pasta knowledge as a family over dinner?
Quiz Time: Know your Penne from your Tortellini?
Test out your pasta knowledge!
We’ve shared nine pasta shapes below. Can you guess which is which?

Download your pasta quiz to print here (answers on page 2).
Themed Wordsearch
Can you find all the Italian food-themed words in the word search below?

Download your wordsearch to print here (answers on page 2!)
Don’t forget!
Following World Pasta Day, the fun continues with our ‘A Taste of Italy’ Active Chef’s camp on Wednesday 30th October. Young chefs will have the chance to master homemade pasta and create exciting Italian dishes including pizza and orange polenta cake!
Book onto our upcoming Active Chefs culinary camp.
(Note: we now have very limited spaces for our cooking camp – if you would like to attend please book now).

Still looking for more fun activities to do this October Half Term?
There’s still some spots remaining between 28th October – 1st November 2024 – but be quick.
View our upcoming Half Term camps and Book Now!